Thursday, October 29, 2009

a passion statement

When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden of Eden, their eyes were opened wide and they realized that they were naked! So what did they do? They couldn't exactly head to the nearest Wal-Mart and buy a shirt and jeans. They did what they could. They sewed fig leaves together as clothing. And as punishment for their disobedience, God threw them out of the garden.

Sad story isn't it? But God is not without love and mercy. Before kicking them out, he gave them leather jackets to clothe themselves with (OK, I know, the NIV says "garments of skin" but I like to think of them as leather jackets anyway). This goes to show God's almost unbelievable grace and mercy despite the wrongs we do to Him. God wasn't just making a fashion statement here. He was making a passion statement. God is passionately in love with us despite our sometimes (or for many of us, oftentimes!) bad behavior.

Fig Leaves and Leather Jackets is a blog that will deal with anything and everything Christian. From everyday faith to extraordinary faith. From households to churches. From worship to leadership. From politics to pulpits. And of course, from fig leaves to leather jackets.


  1. I am loving your introductory post Beej.

    Medyo natawa ako sa "God wasn't just making a fashion statement her. He was making a passion statement."

    I could HEAR you say that, and I had to laugh. =D Nice to see your sense of humor translates to your writing. Keep in touch pleaaaase!

  2. *here

    Sorry for the typo. =P
